Vinyl Striping

Wet Installation Instructions for Vinyl Striping on Water Resistant Surfaces

To start with, we need to clean the application surface with denatured alcohol, this is the best for removing any oil residue and wax leaving a completely clean surface to apply vinyl to.

WHAT YOU NEED: Paper towels, razor knife to cut and trim, scissors, squeegee, denatured alcohol, squirt bottle, detergent soap. And of course vinyl striping supplied by

If applying to drywall or similar surfaces apply dry.


Step-1 : Saturate surface with a soapy water solution 99.8% water a couple of drops of detergent soap, shake it up. (To add a bit of slipperiness to the water).


Step-2 : Pull a foot or two of the vinyl striping away from liner. Apply vinyl gently (get as straight and or as level as you can here).


Step-3 : Now saturate the front of the vinyl to help with squeegeeing down onto surface (it will prevent scratching and help with application).


Step-4 : Start to squeegee vinyl striping down, the water will squish out and the vinyl will adhere. NOTE: if using vinyl with transfer tape disregard spraying water on top of application tape.

striping application

Step-5 : At this point work your way down the vehicle a few feet or longer at a time and repeat steps 1 through 4.

Racing Stripes Application Instructions


Step-1 : All surfaces must be clean, Use masking tape to position and create a center hinge. Separate striping from liner as shown.


Step-2 : Use scissors to cut liner and discard.


Step-3 : Gently but firmly use applicator (supplied) to press down striping being careful to apply to much pressure. Use applicator and not your hand to apply striping.


Step-4 : Remove transfer tape at a 180-degree angle onto itself to reduce chance of peeling striping off vehicle. Use razor knife to trim off and slit between door and fenders. And you're done.